1 | YGD_Caogia (20514673) | 43 🥇 |
2 | GoE| ThanNa (61524037) | 38 🥈 |
3 | quoctuan2003 (57034162) | 35 🥉 |
4 | gphno (70246153) | 32 🎖️ |
5 | 41CS| KINSI (17042635) | 30 |
6 | Ignis@ (37124605) | 27 |
7 | Irefylf (23514067) | 24 |
8 | 41CS| Hana♪ (01346752) | 23 |
9 | Hiruma (10736425) | 22 |
10 | 41CS| SgurD (43057126) | 21 |
11 | TTTH (60715234) | 19 |
12 | 41CS| doras (74261350) | 18 |
13 | kobtten (07152346) | 17 |
14 | 41CS| NeroK <33 (21037645) | 15 |
15 | Pepsy (16350247) | 15 |
16 | Harryy♥️ (53147062) | 15 |
17 | Loli Slayer (02473561) | 14 |
18 | Ngannn (30261547) | 14 |
19 | corle1 (26351740) | 14 |
20 | Rinka (36250714) | 11 |
21 | CS41|LeeYing (56702314) | 10 |
22 | trandh1602 (53671240) | 10 |
23 | Triều Hân (72350164) | 10 |
24 | Ducsieucapdz (72504613) | 10 |
25 | VuongZ (04723651) | 10 |
26 | Crypter (35714260) | 10 |
27 | specterDead (45702631) | 9 |
28 | GdeP| Fandor (57023146) | 9 |
29 | <AZUMI> (25014367) | 9 |
30 | SKS Anyth (62034517) | 9 |
31 | thanhdat (41672350) | 9 |
32 | Yuuki (35716042) | 9 |
33 | TruongTGX (07631452) | 7 |
34 | no face (24503671) | 7 |
35 | breh (20734561) | 7 |
36 | Winnie (70623145) | 7 |
37 | mekkhunt (23170546) | 6 |
38 | JustaKirb (16740352) | 6 |
39 | Tenka (02146375) | 6 |
40 | _blue (50172643) | 6 |
41 | kiritow (50362147) | 6 |
42 | Lollll (15327046) | 6 |
43 | kaname (14567203) | 6 |
44 | namle12 (16073245) | 6 |
45 | scubi (03126754) | 5 |
46 | Maris (47615203) | 5 |
47 | tùng khoa (30625471) | 5 |
48 | Kyna (32061754) | 5 |
49 | SCAREY (61723540) | 5 |
50 | 41CS| hk6420 (45612703) | 5 |
51 | karuiko (62451370) | 5 |
52 | Kero (05723164) | 5 |
53 | Dog Say Meow (17430625) | 5 |
54 | Konoshina (47152036) | 5 |
55 | 41CS| Zozozoe (16720345) | 2 |
56 | Yuuki (42156730) | 2 |
57 | Báu Bùi (15724360) | 2 |
58 | Rinn (40637251) | 2 |
59 | V-Legend (23057614) | 2 |
60 | Duy (62031574) | 1 |
61 | zzzskilldull (10427365) | 1 |
62 | Seera (41605372) | 1 |
63 | Skyee (47206135) | 1 |
64 | Chi3n (46315720) | 1 |
65 | Dark (16402357) | 1 |
66 | Kien2601 (35741062) | 1 |
67 | Zex Zhigang (01627435) | 1 |
68 | Emoute (14650723) | 1 |
69 | shyshyshyshy (02154673) | 1 |
70 | ModeusUwU (02634715) | 1 |
71 | Sieucapvjpro (47310526) | 1 |
72 | 1+1=3 (40123657) | 1 |
73 | EmmU (31560427) | 1 |
74 | tùng hài dón (37410265) | 1 |
75 | Maris (41637025) | 1 |
76 | Recker (56370142) | 1 |
77 | QuyCute:3 (32406175) | 1 |
78 | KensTaCosmic (52746130) | 1 |
79 | de Perry (54702316) | 1 |
80 | Luce (05213674) | 1 |
81 | Rylas (05427136) | 1 |
82 | Hikari (07623451) | 1 |
83 | VN-Tan (23046157) | 1 |
84 | Nkk (56734012) | 1 |
85 | Ông5Gà (51376024) | 1 |
86 | Ruler (16425037) | 1 |
87 | Kara (60125473) | 1 |
88 | Valen (10354726) | 1 |
Archetypes that YGD_Caogia (20514673) used
Archetypes that GoE| ThanNa (61524037) used
Archetypes that quoctuan2003 (57034162) used
Archetypes that gphno (70246153) used
Archetypes that 41CS| KINSI (17042635) used
Archetypes that Ignis@ (37124605) used
Archetypes that Irefylf (23514067) used
Archetypes that 41CS| Hana♪ (01346752) used
Archetypes that Hiruma (10736425) used
Archetypes that 41CS| SgurD (43057126) used
Archetypes that TTTH (60715234) used
Archetypes that 41CS| doras (74261350) used
Archetypes that kobtten (07152346) used
Archetypes that 41CS| NeroK <33 (21037645) used
Archetypes that Pepsy (16350247) used
Archetypes that Harryy♥️ (53147062) used
Archetypes that Loli Slayer (02473561) used
Archetypes that Ngannn (30261547) used
Archetypes that corle1 (26351740) used
Archetypes that Rinka (36250714) used
Archetypes that CS41|LeeYing (56702314) used
Archetypes that trandh1602 (53671240) used
Archetypes that Triều Hân (72350164) used
Archetypes that Ducsieucapdz (72504613) used
Archetypes that VuongZ (04723651) used
Archetypes that Crypter (35714260) used
Archetypes that specterDead (45702631) used
Archetypes that GdeP| Fandor (57023146) used
Archetypes that <AZUMI> (25014367) used
Archetypes that SKS Anyth (62034517) used
Archetypes that thanhdat (41672350) used
Archetypes that Yuuki (35716042) used
Archetypes that TruongTGX (07631452) used
Archetypes that no face (24503671) used
Archetypes that breh (20734561) used
Archetypes that Winnie (70623145) used
Archetypes that mekkhunt (23170546) used
Archetypes that JustaKirb (16740352) used
Archetypes that Tenka (02146375) used
Archetypes that _blue (50172643) used
Archetypes that kiritow (50362147) used
Archetypes that Lollll (15327046) used
Archetypes that kaname (14567203) used
Archetypes that namle12 (16073245) used
Archetypes that scubi (03126754) used
Archetypes that Maris (47615203) used
Archetypes that tùng khoa (30625471) used
Archetypes that Kyna (32061754) used
Archetypes that SCAREY (61723540) used
Archetypes that 41CS| hk6420 (45612703) used
Archetypes that karuiko (62451370) used
Archetypes that Kero (05723164) used
Archetypes that Dog Say Meow (17430625) used
Archetypes that Konoshina (47152036) used
Archetypes that 41CS| Zozozoe (16720345) used
Archetypes that Yuuki (42156730) used
Archetypes that Báu Bùi (15724360) used
Archetypes that Rinn (40637251) used
Archetypes that V-Legend (23057614) used
Archetypes that Duy (62031574) used
Archetypes that zzzskilldull (10427365) used
Archetypes that Seera (41605372) used
Archetypes that Skyee (47206135) used
Archetypes that Chi3n (46315720) used
Archetypes that Dark (16402357) used
Archetypes that Kien2601 (35741062) used
Archetypes that Zex Zhigang (01627435) used
Archetypes that Emoute (14650723) used
Archetypes that shyshyshyshy (02154673) used
Archetypes that ModeusUwU (02634715) used
Archetypes that Sieucapvjpro (47310526) used
Archetypes that 1+1=3 (40123657) used
Archetypes that EmmU (31560427) used
Archetypes that tùng hài dón (37410265) used
Archetypes that Maris (41637025) used
Archetypes that Recker (56370142) used
Archetypes that QuyCute:3 (32406175) used
Archetypes that KensTaCosmic (52746130) used
Archetypes that de Perry (54702316) used
Archetypes that Luce (05213674) used
Archetypes that Rylas (05427136) used
Archetypes that Hikari (07623451) used
Archetypes that VN-Tan (23046157) used
Archetypes that Nkk (56734012) used
Archetypes that Ông5Gà (51376024) used
Archetypes that Ruler (16425037) used
Archetypes that Kara (60125473) used
Archetypes that Valen (10354726) used
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