Dinomist Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

SR Rarity
Animadorned Archosaur
SR Rarity
Animadorned Archosaur
SR Rarity
Animadorned Archosaur
Animadorned Archosaur
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can destroy 1 Dinosaur monster in your hand or face-up field, except "Animadorned Archosaur", then add 1 Reptile, Sea Serpent, or Winged Beast monster with the same original Level as that destroyed monster, OR 1 "Evolution Pill" Spell, from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Animadorned Archosaur" once per turn.

SR Rarity
SR Rarity
SR Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 500

If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

N Rarity
Giant Rex
N Rarity
Giant Rex
N Rarity
Giant Rex
Giant Rex
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 1200

Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 200

During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

SR Rarity
SR Rarity
SR Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 1800

  • DEF:

  • 1000

During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
UR Rarity
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
UR Rarity
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
  • ATK:

  • 100

  • DEF:

  • 600

If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn. ● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card. ● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6. You can only activate 1 other "Mulcharmy" monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.

SR Rarity
SR Rarity
SR Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 500

If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or higher Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck, but it cannot attack this turn.

UR Rarity
Souleating Oviraptor
UR Rarity
Souleating Oviraptor
UR Rarity
Souleating Oviraptor
Souleating Oviraptor
  • ATK:

  • 1800

  • DEF:

  • 500

If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can take 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the Graveyard. You can target 1 other Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster on the field; destroy it, then Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Graveyard in Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Souleating Oviraptor" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
UR Rarity
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
UR Rarity
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
  • ATK:

  • 3500

  • DEF:

  • 3200

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 2 Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard. Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster in your hand or field, and if you do, change all face-up monsters your opponent controls to face-down Defense Position. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks a Defense Position monster: You can inflict 1000 damage to your opponent, and if you do, send that Defense Position monster to the Graveyard.

UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

SR Rarity
Double Evolution Pill
SR Rarity
Double Evolution Pill
SR Rarity
Double Evolution Pill
Spell Normal
Double Evolution Pill

    Banish 1 Dinosaur monster and 1 non-Dinosaur monster from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Dinosaur monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. You can only activate 1 "Double Evolution Pill" per turn.

    UR Rarity
    Fossil Dig
    UR Rarity
    Fossil Dig
    UR Rarity
    Fossil Dig
    Spell Normal
    Fossil Dig

      Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

      UR Rarity
      Infinite Impermanence
      UR Rarity
      Infinite Impermanence
      UR Rarity
      Infinite Impermanence
      Trap Normal
      Infinite Impermanence

        Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

        Extra Deck

        UR Rarity
        UR Rarity
        UR Rarity
        • ATK:

        • 300

        • LINK-1

        Link Arrow:


        1 Level 1 Monster When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can Tribute this card; change that opponent's monster's ATK to 0, until the end of this turn. If this card is in your GY (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Level 1 monster; Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Linkuriboh" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        S:P Little Knight
        UR Rarity
        S:P Little Knight
        UR Rarity
        S:P Little Knight
        S:P Little Knight
        • ATK:

        • 1600

        • LINK-2

        Link Arrow:



        2 Effect Monsters If this card is Link Summoned using a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster as material: You can target 1 card on the field or in either GY; banish it, also your monsters cannot attack directly this turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can target 2 face-up monsters on the field, including a monster you control; banish both until the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "S:P Little Knight" once per turn.

        R Rarity
        Secure Gardna
        R Rarity
        Secure Gardna
        R Rarity
        Secure Gardna
        Secure Gardna
        • ATK:

        • 1000

        • LINK-1

        Link Arrow:


        1 Cyberse Link Monster After this card is Special Summoned, you take no effect damage for the rest of this turn. Once per turn, if you would take battle or effect damage, you take no damage. Cannot be used as Link Material. You can only control 1 "Secure Gardna".

        UR Rarity
        Spright Elf
        UR Rarity
        Spright Elf
        UR Rarity
        Spright Elf
        Spright Elf
        • ATK:

        • 1400

        • LINK-2

        Link Arrow:



        2 monsters, including a Level/Rank/Link 2 monster Cannot be used as Link Material the turn it is Link Summoned. Your opponent cannot target monsters this card points to with card effects. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Level 2 monster in your GY, or, if your opponent controls a monster, you can target 1 Rank/Link 2 monster instead; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Spright Elf" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Dolkka
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Dolkka
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Dolkka
        Evolzar Dolkka
        • ATK:

        • 2300

        • DEF:

        • 1700

        2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters During either player's turn, when a monster effect activates: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster.

        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Laggia
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Laggia
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Laggia
        Evolzar Laggia
        • ATK:

        • 2400

        • DEF:

        • 2000

        2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters During either player's turn, when a monster(s) would be Normal or Special Summoned, OR a Spell/Trap Card is activated: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy that card.

        UR Rarity
        Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
        UR Rarity
        Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
        UR Rarity
        Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
        Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
        • ATK:

        • 2900

        • DEF:

        • 2900

        2 Level 12 monsters During the turn, or turn after, your opponent Special Summoned 2 or more monsters from the Extra Deck, you can also Xyz Summon this card by using 1 monster you control with the highest ATK (your choice, if tied). (Transfer its materials to this card.) If you do, you cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn. While this Xyz Summoned monster is on the field, neither player can activate the effects of monsters with 3000 or more ATK. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; return 1 monster from the field to the hand.

        Need 33 UR

        UR Rarity
        Maxx "C"2 card
        UR Rarity
        Mulcharmy Fuwalos3 card
        UR Rarity
        Souleating Oviraptor3 card
        UR Rarity
        Ultimate Conductor Tyranno2 card
        UR Rarity
        Linkuriboh1 card
        UR Rarity
        S:P Little Knight1 card
        UR Rarity
        Spright Elf1 card
        UR Rarity
        Baronne de Fleur1 card
        UR Rarity
        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying1 card
        UR Rarity
        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring3 card
        UR Rarity
        Effect Veiler2 card
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Dolkka1 card
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Laggia1 card
        UR Rarity
        Evolzar Lars1 card
        UR Rarity
        Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis1 card
        UR Rarity
        Called by the Grave2 card
        UR Rarity
        Crossout Designator1 card
        UR Rarity
        Fossil Dig3 card
        UR Rarity
        Ground Xeno3 card

        Main: 40 Extra: 15

        SR Rarity
        1 cardAnimadorned Archosaur
        SR Rarity
        1 cardAnimadorned Archosaur
        Animadorned Archosaur
        LIGHT 1
        Animadorned Archosaur
        • ATK:

        • 0

        • DEF:

        • 0

        If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can destroy 1 Dinosaur monster in your hand or face-up field, except "Animadorned Archosaur", then add 1 Reptile, Sea Serpent, or Winged Beast monster with the same original Level as that destroyed monster, OR 1 "Evolution Pill" Spell, from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Animadorned Archosaur" once per turn.

        SR Rarity
        3 cardBabycerasaurus
        SR Rarity
        3 cardBabycerasaurus
        EARTH 2
        • ATK:

        • 500

        • DEF:

        • 500

        If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

        SR Rarity
        2 cardDroll & Lock Bird
        SR Rarity
        2 cardDroll & Lock Bird
        Droll & Lock Bird
        WIND 1
        Droll & Lock Bird
        • ATK:

        • 0

        • DEF:

        • 0

        If a card(s) is added from the Main Deck to your opponent's hand, except during the Draw Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; for the rest of this turn, cards cannot be added from either player's Main Deck to the hand.

        UR Rarity
        2 cardMaxx "C"
        UR Rarity
        2 cardMaxx "C"
        Maxx "C"
        EARTH 2
        Maxx "C"
        • ATK:

        • 500

        • DEF:

        • 200

        During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

        SR Rarity
        3 cardMiscellaneousaurus
        SR Rarity
        3 cardMiscellaneousaurus
        FIRE 4
        • ATK:

        • 1800

        • DEF:

        • 1000

        During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        3 cardMulcharmy Fuwalos
        UR Rarity
        3 cardMulcharmy Fuwalos
        Mulcharmy Fuwalos
        WIND 4
        Mulcharmy Fuwalos
        • ATK:

        • 100

        • DEF:

        • 600

        If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn. ● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card. ● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6. You can only activate 1 other "Mulcharmy" monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.

        SR Rarity
        1 cardPetiteranodon
        SR Rarity
        1 cardPetiteranodon
        EARTH 2
        • ATK:

        • 500

        • DEF:

        • 500

        If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or higher Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck, but it cannot attack this turn.

        UR Rarity
        3 cardSouleating Oviraptor
        UR Rarity
        3 cardSouleating Oviraptor
        Souleating Oviraptor
        DARK 4
        Souleating Oviraptor
        • ATK:

        • 1800

        • DEF:

        • 500

        If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can take 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the Graveyard. You can target 1 other Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster on the field; destroy it, then Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Graveyard in Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Souleating Oviraptor" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        2 cardUltimate Conductor Tyranno
        UR Rarity
        2 cardUltimate Conductor Tyranno
        Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
        LIGHT 10
        Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
        • ATK:

        • 3500

        • DEF:

        • 3200

        Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 2 Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard. Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster in your hand or field, and if you do, change all face-up monsters your opponent controls to face-down Defense Position. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks a Defense Position monster: You can inflict 1000 damage to your opponent, and if you do, send that Defense Position monster to the Graveyard.

        N Rarity
        1 cardFrostosaurus
        N Rarity
        1 cardFrostosaurus
        WATER 6
        • ATK:

        • 2600

        • DEF:

        • 1700

        This monster's metabolism enables it to endure long periods of cold, harnessing the power to become a creature of solid ice! Nothing else can withstand such temperatures, especially victims of its glacial rampage.

        UR Rarity
        3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
        UR Rarity
        3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
        FIRE 3
        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
        • ATK:

        • 0

        • DEF:

        • 1800

        When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        2 cardEffect Veiler
        UR Rarity
        2 cardEffect Veiler
        Effect Veiler
        LIGHT 1
        Effect Veiler
        • ATK:

        • 0

        • DEF:

        • 0

        During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate the effects of that face-up monster your opponent controls, until the end of this turn.

        SR Rarity
        1 cardXeno Meteorus
        SR Rarity
        1 cardXeno Meteorus
        Xeno Meteorus
        FIRE 6
        Xeno Meteorus
        • ATK:

        • 2000

        • DEF:

        • 200

        If a card(s) is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 Dinosaur monster in your hand or field, then Special Summon 1 Dinosaur Normal Monster from your hand or Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Dragon, Dinosaur, Sea Serpent, or Wyrm monsters. You can only use each effect of "Xeno Meteorus" once per turn.

        UR Rarity
        2 cardCalled by the Grave
        UR Rarity
        2 cardCalled by the Grave
        Called by the Grave
        Spell Quick
        Called by the Grave

          Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


          UR Rarity
          1 cardCrossout Designator
          UR Rarity
          1 cardCrossout Designator
          Crossout Designator
          Spell Quick
          Crossout Designator

            Declare 1 card name; banish 1 of that declared card from your Main Deck, and if you do, negate its effects, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of cards with the same original name, until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Crossout Designator" per turn.


            SR Rarity
            2 cardDouble Evolution Pill
            SR Rarity
            2 cardDouble Evolution Pill
            Double Evolution Pill
            Spell Normal
            Double Evolution Pill

              Banish 1 Dinosaur monster and 1 non-Dinosaur monster from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Dinosaur monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. You can only activate 1 "Double Evolution Pill" per turn.

              UR Rarity
              3 cardFossil Dig
              UR Rarity
              3 cardFossil Dig
              Fossil Dig
              Spell Normal
              Fossil Dig

                Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

                UR Rarity
                3 cardGround Xeno
                UR Rarity
                3 cardGround Xeno
                Ground Xeno
                Spell Normal
                Ground Xeno

                  Add 1 Dinosaur Tuner or Dinosaur Normal Monster from your Deck to your hand, then destroy 1 card in your hand. You can banish this card from your GY; Fusion Summon 1 Dinosaur Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material. You can only use each effect of "Ground Xeno" once per turn.

                  SR Rarity
                  2 cardSmall World
                  SR Rarity
                  2 cardSmall World
                  Small World
                  Spell Normal
                  Small World

                    Reveal 1 monster in your hand, choose 1 monster from your Deck that has exactly 1 of the same Type, Attribute, Level, ATK or DEF, and banish the revealed monster from your hand face-down. Then add, from the Deck to your hand, 1 monster that has exactly 1 of the same Type, Attribute, Level, ATK or DEF as the monster chosen from your Deck, and banish the card chosen from the Deck face-down. You can only activate 1 "Small World" per turn.

                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardKnightmare Cerberus
                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardKnightmare Cerberus
                    Knightmare Cerberus
                    Knightmare Cerberus
                    • ATK:

                    • 1600

                    • LINK-2

                    Link Arrow:



                    2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Special Summoned monster in your opponent's Main Monster Zone; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Cerberus" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardKnightmare Phoenix
                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardKnightmare Phoenix
                    Knightmare Phoenix
                    Knightmare Phoenix
                    • ATK:

                    • 1900

                    • LINK-2

                    Link Arrow:



                    2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardLinkuriboh
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardLinkuriboh
                    • ATK:

                    • 300

                    • LINK-1

                    Link Arrow:


                    1 Level 1 Monster When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can Tribute this card; change that opponent's monster's ATK to 0, until the end of this turn. If this card is in your GY (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Level 1 monster; Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Linkuriboh" once per turn.

                    N Rarity
                    1 cardPentestag
                    N Rarity
                    1 cardPentestag
                    • ATK:

                    • 1600

                    • LINK-2

                    Link Arrow:



                    2 Effect Monsters If your linked monster attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardS:P Little Knight
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardS:P Little Knight
                    S:P Little Knight
                    S:P Little Knight
                    • ATK:

                    • 1600

                    • LINK-2

                    Link Arrow:



                    2 Effect Monsters If this card is Link Summoned using a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster as material: You can target 1 card on the field or in either GY; banish it, also your monsters cannot attack directly this turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can target 2 face-up monsters on the field, including a monster you control; banish both until the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "S:P Little Knight" once per turn.

                    R Rarity
                    1 cardSecure Gardna
                    R Rarity
                    1 cardSecure Gardna
                    Secure Gardna
                    Secure Gardna
                    • ATK:

                    • 1000

                    • LINK-1

                    Link Arrow:


                    1 Cyberse Link Monster After this card is Special Summoned, you take no effect damage for the rest of this turn. Once per turn, if you would take battle or effect damage, you take no damage. Cannot be used as Link Material. You can only control 1 "Secure Gardna".

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSpright Elf
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSpright Elf
                    Spright Elf
                    Spright Elf
                    • ATK:

                    • 1400

                    • LINK-2

                    Link Arrow:



                    2 monsters, including a Level/Rank/Link 2 monster Cannot be used as Link Material the turn it is Link Summoned. Your opponent cannot target monsters this card points to with card effects. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Level 2 monster in your GY, or, if your opponent controls a monster, you can target 1 Rank/Link 2 monster instead; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Spright Elf" once per turn.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardBaronne de Fleur
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardBaronne de Fleur
                    Baronne de Fleur
                    WIND 10
                    Baronne de Fleur
                    • ATK:

                    • 3000

                    • DEF:

                    • 2400

                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. Once while face-up on the field, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only use the previous effect of "Baronne de Fleur" once per turn. Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can target 1 Level 9 or lower monster in your GY; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon that monster.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSwordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSwordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                    Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                    WATER 10
                    Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                    • ATK:

                    • 3000

                    • DEF:

                    • 3000

                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters For each banished card, this card gains 100 ATK/DEF and monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF. If this card would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish 1 card from your GY instead. If a card(s) is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can banish 1 card each from both your opponent's field and GY. You can only use this effect of "Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying" once per turn.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Dolkka
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Dolkka
                    Evolzar Dolkka
                    Evolzar Dolkka
                    • ATK:

                    • 2300

                    • DEF:

                    • 1700

                    2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters During either player's turn, when a monster effect activates: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Laggia
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Laggia
                    Evolzar Laggia
                    Evolzar Laggia
                    • ATK:

                    • 2400

                    • DEF:

                    • 2000

                    2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters During either player's turn, when a monster(s) would be Normal or Special Summoned, OR a Spell/Trap Card is activated: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy that card.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Lars
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardEvolzar Lars
                    Evolzar Lars
                    Evolzar Lars
                    • ATK:

                    • 2500

                    • DEF:

                    • 1500

                    2 Level 6 monsters While this card has material, your opponent cannot target it with monster effects. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can detach 2 materials from this card, or just 1 material if all this card's materials are Reptile and/or Dinosaur, then target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; negate its effects until the end of this turn.

                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardNumber 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardNumber 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
                    Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
                    Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
                    • ATK:

                    • 2100

                    • DEF:

                    • 2000

                    2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, detach 1 material from this card. If you cannot, destroy it. This Attack Position card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Your opponent cannot target this Attack Position card with card effects. While this card is in face-up Defense Position, change all face-up monsters on the field to Defense Position, also negate the activated effects of monsters that were in Defense Position when that effect was activated.

                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardNumber 60: Dugares the Timeless
                    SR Rarity
                    1 cardNumber 60: Dugares the Timeless
                    Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
                    Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
                    • ATK:

                    • 1200

                    • DEF:

                    • 1200

                    2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 2 materials from this card, then activate 1 of the following effects; ● Skip your next Draw Phase, also draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card. ● Skip your next Main Phase 1, also Special Summon 1 monster from your GY in Defense Position. ● Skip the Battle Phase of your next turn, also double the ATK of 1 monster you control until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" once per turn.

                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSuper Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
                    UR Rarity
                    1 cardSuper Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
                    Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
                    Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
                    • ATK:

                    • 2900

                    • DEF:

                    • 2900

                    2 Level 12 monsters During the turn, or turn after, your opponent Special Summoned 2 or more monsters from the Extra Deck, you can also Xyz Summon this card by using 1 monster you control with the highest ATK (your choice, if tied). (Transfer its materials to this card.) If you do, you cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn. While this Xyz Summoned monster is on the field, neither player can activate the effects of monsters with 3000 or more ATK. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; return 1 monster from the field to the hand.

                    DINOMIST Decks in MASTER DUEL
