Majespecter Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

N Rarity
Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
N Rarity
Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
N Rarity
Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
  • ATK:

  • 100

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" card from your Deck to your hand during the End Phase of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Cat - Nekomata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

R Rarity
Majespecter Crow - Yata
R Rarity
Majespecter Crow - Yata
R Rarity
Majespecter Crow - Yata
Majespecter Crow - Yata
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 1500

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Crow - Yata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

N Rarity
Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
N Rarity
Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
N Rarity
Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 1000

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Fox - Kyubi" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

R Rarity
Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
R Rarity
Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
R Rarity
Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
  • ATK:

  • 1200

  • DEF:

  • 900

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

R Rarity
Majespecter Toad - Ogama
R Rarity
Majespecter Toad - Ogama
R Rarity
Majespecter Toad - Ogama
Majespecter Toad - Ogama
  • ATK:

  • 1300

  • DEF:

  • 500

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Majespecter" Spell/Trap Card directly from your Deck, but it cannot activate this turn. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Toad - Ogama" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

R Rarity
Majespecter Cyclone
R Rarity
Majespecter Cyclone
R Rarity
Majespecter Cyclone
Spell Quick
Majespecter Cyclone

    Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it.

    R Rarity
    Majespecter Storm
    R Rarity
    Majespecter Storm
    R Rarity
    Majespecter Storm
    Spell Normal
    Majespecter Storm

      Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; shuffle it into the Deck.

      UR Rarity
      UR Rarity
      UR Rarity
      Spell Field

        All "Gravekeeper's" monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. Cards in the Graveyard cannot be banished. Negate any card effect that would move a card in the Graveyard to a different place. Negate any card effect that changes Types or Attributes in the Graveyard.

        UR Rarity
        Drowning Mirror Force
        UR Rarity
        Drowning Mirror Force
        UR Rarity
        Drowning Mirror Force
        Trap Normal
        Drowning Mirror Force

          When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Shuffle all your opponent's Attack Position monsters into the Deck.

          R Rarity
          Majespecter Tornado
          R Rarity
          Majespecter Tornado
          R Rarity
          Majespecter Tornado
          Trap Normal
          Majespecter Tornado

            Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it.

            Extra Deck

            SR Rarity
            Knightmare Phoenix
            SR Rarity
            Knightmare Phoenix
            SR Rarity
            Knightmare Phoenix
            Knightmare Phoenix
            • ATK:

            • 1900

            • LINK-2

            Link Arrow:



            2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

            UR Rarity
            Knightmare Unicorn
            UR Rarity
            Knightmare Unicorn
            UR Rarity
            Knightmare Unicorn
            Knightmare Unicorn
            • ATK:

            • 2200

            • LINK-3

            Link Arrow:




            2+ monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card on the field; shuffle it into the Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Unicorn" once per turn. While any co-linked "Knightmare" monsters are on the field, for your normal draw in your Draw Phase, draw 1 card for each different card name among those co-linked "Knightmare" monsters, instead of drawing just 1 card.

            UR Rarity
            Abyss Dweller
            UR Rarity
            Abyss Dweller
            UR Rarity
            Abyss Dweller
            Abyss Dweller
            • ATK:

            • 1700

            • DEF:

            • 1400

            2 Level 4 monsters While this card has a material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; your opponent cannot activate any card effects in their GY this turn.

            SR Rarity
            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
            SR Rarity
            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
            SR Rarity
            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
            • ATK:

            • 2000

            • DEF:

            • 1500

            2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; change it to face-down Defense Position. You can detach 2 materials from this card, then target 1 other face-up card on the field; shuffle it into the Deck. You can only use 1 "Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

            UR Rarity
            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
            UR Rarity
            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
            UR Rarity
            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
            • ATK:

            • 2500

            • DEF:

            • 2000

            2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 2 materials from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK.

            SR Rarity
            Drill Driver Vespenato
            SR Rarity
            Drill Driver Vespenato
            SR Rarity
            Drill Driver Vespenato
            Drill Driver Vespenato
            • ATK:

            • 2500

            • DEF:

            • 2100

            2 Level 5 monsters Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Drill Driver Vespenato" by using 1 Rank 4 Xyz Monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) This card cannot be used as material for an Xyz Summon the turn it was Xyz Summoned. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage. If this Xyz Summoned card in its owner's control is destroyed by an opponent's card: You can target 1 Level 5 or lower monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Drill Driver Vespenato" once per turn.

            UR Rarity
            Number 39: Utopia
            UR Rarity
            Number 39: Utopia
            UR Rarity
            Number 39: Utopia
            Number 39: Utopia
            • ATK:

            • 2500

            • DEF:

            • 2000

            2 Level 4 monsters When a monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the attack. If this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no material: Destroy this card.

            SR Rarity
            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
            SR Rarity
            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
            SR Rarity
            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
            • ATK:

            • 2400

            • DEF:

            • 1200

            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

            SR Rarity
            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
            SR Rarity
            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
            SR Rarity
            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
            • ATK:

            • 2500

            • DEF:

            • 2000

            3 Level 5 LIGHT monsters You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 4 "Utopia" monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) Cannot be used as material for an Xyz Summon. If this card battles, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step. Once per Chain, during damage calculation, if this card battles an opponent's monster while this card has a "Utopia" Xyz Monster as material (Quick Effect): You can detach 2 materials from this card; this card's ATK becomes 5000 during that damage calculation only.

            Popular Skills

            United Pendulums: 100%
            United Pendulums

            Need 8 UR

            UR Rarity
            Knightmare Unicorn
            UR Rarity
            Abyss Dweller
            UR Rarity
            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
            UR Rarity
            Number 39: Utopia
            UR Rarity
            UR Rarity
            UR Rarity
            Drowning Mirror Force
            UR Rarity
            Drowning Mirror Force

            Main: 20 Extra: 9

            N Rarity
            Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
            N Rarity
            Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
            Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
            WIND 32
            Majespecter Cat - Nekomata
            • ATK:

            • 100

            • DEF:

            • 1800

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" card from your Deck to your hand during the End Phase of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Cat - Nekomata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            WIND 45
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            • ATK:

            • 1000

            • DEF:

            • 1500

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Crow - Yata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            WIND 45
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            • ATK:

            • 1000

            • DEF:

            • 1500

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Crow - Yata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            WIND 45
            Majespecter Crow - Yata
            • ATK:

            • 1000

            • DEF:

            • 1500

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Crow - Yata" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            WIND 42
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            • ATK:

            • 1500

            • DEF:

            • 1000

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Fox - Kyubi" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            WIND 42
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            • ATK:

            • 1500

            • DEF:

            • 1000

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Fox - Kyubi" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            N Rarity
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            WIND 42
            Majespecter Fox - Kyubi
            • ATK:

            • 1500

            • DEF:

            • 1000

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Fox - Kyubi" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            WIND 35
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            • ATK:

            • 1200

            • DEF:

            • 900

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            WIND 35
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            • ATK:

            • 1200

            • DEF:

            • 900

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            WIND 35
            Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku
            • ATK:

            • 1200

            • DEF:

            • 900

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Majespecter" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            WIND 45
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            • ATK:

            • 1300

            • DEF:

            • 500

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Majespecter" Spell/Trap Card directly from your Deck, but it cannot activate this turn. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Toad - Ogama" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            WIND 45
            Majespecter Toad - Ogama
            • ATK:

            • 1300

            • DEF:

            • 500

            When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Majespecter" Spell/Trap Card directly from your Deck, but it cannot activate this turn. You can only use this effect of "Majespecter Toad - Ogama" once per turn. Cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

            R Rarity
            Majespecter Cyclone
            R Rarity
            Majespecter Cyclone
            Majespecter Cyclone
            Spell Quick
            Majespecter Cyclone

              Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it.

              R Rarity
              Majespecter Cyclone
              R Rarity
              Majespecter Cyclone
              Majespecter Cyclone
              Spell Quick
              Majespecter Cyclone

                Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it.

                R Rarity
                Majespecter Storm
                R Rarity
                Majespecter Storm
                Majespecter Storm
                Spell Normal
                Majespecter Storm

                  Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; shuffle it into the Deck.

                  UR Rarity
                  UR Rarity
                  Spell Field

                    All "Gravekeeper's" monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. Cards in the Graveyard cannot be banished. Negate any card effect that would move a card in the Graveyard to a different place. Negate any card effect that changes Types or Attributes in the Graveyard.

                    UR Rarity
                    UR Rarity
                    Spell Field

                      All "Gravekeeper's" monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. Cards in the Graveyard cannot be banished. Negate any card effect that would move a card in the Graveyard to a different place. Negate any card effect that changes Types or Attributes in the Graveyard.

                      UR Rarity
                      Drowning Mirror Force
                      UR Rarity
                      Drowning Mirror Force
                      Drowning Mirror Force
                      Trap Normal
                      Drowning Mirror Force

                        When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Shuffle all your opponent's Attack Position monsters into the Deck.

                        UR Rarity
                        Drowning Mirror Force
                        UR Rarity
                        Drowning Mirror Force
                        Drowning Mirror Force
                        Trap Normal
                        Drowning Mirror Force

                          When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Shuffle all your opponent's Attack Position monsters into the Deck.

                          R Rarity
                          Majespecter Tornado
                          R Rarity
                          Majespecter Tornado
                          Majespecter Tornado
                          Trap Normal
                          Majespecter Tornado

                            Tribute 1 WIND Spellcaster-Type monster, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it.

                            SR Rarity
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            SR Rarity
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            • ATK:

                            • 1900

                            • LINK-2

                            Link Arrow:



                            2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                            UR Rarity
                            Knightmare Unicorn
                            UR Rarity
                            Knightmare Unicorn
                            Knightmare Unicorn
                            Knightmare Unicorn
                            • ATK:

                            • 2200

                            • LINK-3

                            Link Arrow:




                            2+ monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card on the field; shuffle it into the Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Unicorn" once per turn. While any co-linked "Knightmare" monsters are on the field, for your normal draw in your Draw Phase, draw 1 card for each different card name among those co-linked "Knightmare" monsters, instead of drawing just 1 card.

                            UR Rarity
                            Abyss Dweller
                            UR Rarity
                            Abyss Dweller
                            Abyss Dweller
                            Abyss Dweller
                            • ATK:

                            • 1700

                            • DEF:

                            • 1400

                            2 Level 4 monsters While this card has a material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; your opponent cannot activate any card effects in their GY this turn.

                            SR Rarity
                            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
                            SR Rarity
                            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
                            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
                            Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 1500

                            2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; change it to face-down Defense Position. You can detach 2 materials from this card, then target 1 other face-up card on the field; shuffle it into the Deck. You can only use 1 "Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
                            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
                            Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 2 materials from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK.

                            SR Rarity
                            Drill Driver Vespenato
                            SR Rarity
                            Drill Driver Vespenato
                            Drill Driver Vespenato
                            Drill Driver Vespenato
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2100

                            2 Level 5 monsters Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Drill Driver Vespenato" by using 1 Rank 4 Xyz Monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) This card cannot be used as material for an Xyz Summon the turn it was Xyz Summoned. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage. If this Xyz Summoned card in its owner's control is destroyed by an opponent's card: You can target 1 Level 5 or lower monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Drill Driver Vespenato" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            UR Rarity
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            2 Level 4 monsters When a monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the attack. If this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no material: Destroy this card.

                            SR Rarity
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            SR Rarity
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            • ATK:

                            • 2400

                            • DEF:

                            • 1200

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

                            SR Rarity
                            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
                            SR Rarity
                            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
                            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
                            Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            3 Level 5 LIGHT monsters You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 4 "Utopia" monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) Cannot be used as material for an Xyz Summon. If this card battles, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step. Once per Chain, during damage calculation, if this card battles an opponent's monster while this card has a "Utopia" Xyz Monster as material (Quick Effect): You can detach 2 materials from this card; this card's ATK becomes 5000 during that damage calculation only.

                            MAJESPECTER Decks in DUEL LINKS
