Nemleria Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 3000

Gains 100 ATK for each face-down card in your Extra Deck. You can only use each of the following effects of "Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized" once per turn. If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 monster you control; place it on the bottom of the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon this card. If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● Add 1 "Dreaming Nemleria" from your Deck to your face-up Extra Deck. ● Change 1 other face-up monster on the field to face-down Defense Position.

Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 200

During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Mulcharmy Fuwalos
  • ATK:

  • 100

  • DEF:

  • 600

If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn. ● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card. ● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6. You can only activate 1 other "Mulcharmy" monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.

Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 2500

If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette" once per turn this way. When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a "Nemleria" card(s) you control, while you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck, face-down; negate that activation. You can only use this effect of "Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette" once per turn.

Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2000

If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller" once per turn this way. If you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck, face-down; this card gains 500 ATK for each monster your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller" once per turn.

Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2500

If this card is in your hand or GY: You can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck face-down, except "Dreaming Nemleria"; Special Summon this card. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters. You can send 1 other Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Set 1 "Nemleria" Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use each effect of "Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil" once per turn.

Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
  • ATK:

  • 2800

  • DEF:

  • 2500

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. Once per turn: You can remove 2 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; Special Summon 1 "Radian Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2800/DEF 0), but it cannot be used as a Synchro Material.

Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2500

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by revealing 1 other monster in your hand with 2500 ATK or DEF. You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar" once per turn. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Regenesis" card from your Deck or banishment to your hand, except "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar". During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2500

If a monster with 2500 original ATK or DEF is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Dragon Vayikra" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Dragon Vayikra" once per turn. (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; banish it. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

Regenesis God Deuteronomion
Regenesis God Deuteronomion
Regenesis God Deuteronomion
Regenesis God Deuteronomion
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2500

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 face-up monster you control with 2500 original ATK and DEF. You can only Special Summon "Regenesis God Deuteronomion" once per turn this way. If this card is Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Regenesis" Spell/Trap from your Deck. Gains 2500 ATK during the Battle Phase only. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Regenesis Sage Shemot
Regenesis Sage Shemot
Regenesis Sage Shemot
Regenesis Sage Shemot
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2500

If a monster with 2500 original ATK or DEF is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Sage Shemot" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Sage Shemot" once per turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can send 1 other "Regenesis" card from your hand or face-up field to the GY; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

Dreaming Nemleria
Dreaming Nemleria
Dreaming Nemleria
Dreaming Nemleria
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1500

[ Pendulum Effect ] Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can place 1 "Nemleria" Continuous Spell from your Deck or GY face-up on your field, and if you do, add this card to your Extra Deck face-up. You cannot Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria" the turn you activate this effect. [ Monster Effect ] Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your face-up Extra Deck) by having no cards in your Extra Deck, except "Dreaming Nemleria". You can only Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria(s)" once per turn. If this card is Special Summoned: For every 3 of your face-down banished cards, you can banish up to 1 card from your opponent's field and/or GY, face-down, then shuffle 1 of your face-down banished cards into your Deck for each card you banished by this effect.

Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

Called by the Grave
Called by the Grave
Called by the Grave
Spell Quick
Called by the Grave

    Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


    Dark Ruler No More
    Dark Ruler No More
    Dark Ruler No More
    Spell Normal
    Dark Ruler No More

      Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card's activation.


      Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria
      Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria
      Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria
      Spell Continuous
      Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria

        You can banish 2 face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; add 2 Level 10 Beast monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters. You can only use this effect of "Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria" once per turn. If a "Nemleria" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, while you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck, you can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down, instead.

        Gordian Schneider
        Gordian Schneider
        Gordian Schneider
        Spell Normal
        Gordian Schneider

          This card's activation and effect cannot be negated. At the start of your Main Phase 1 or 2: Target any number of face-up cards on the field; for every targeted card, banish 1 card from your hand or 6 cards from your Extra Deck, face-down, then return the targeted cards to the hand.

          In Papa's Footsteps
          In Papa's Footsteps
          In Papa's Footsteps
          Spell Quick
          In Papa's Footsteps

            If a card(s) is sent to the GY, except "In Papa's Footsteps": Banish up to 5 cards from your GY, face-down, then if 7 or more of your cards are currently banished face-down, your opponent banishes as many cards as possible from their GY (max. 5) face-down.

            Lightning Storm
            Lightning Storm
            Lightning Storm
            Spell Normal
            Lightning Storm

              If you control no face-up cards: Activate 1 of these effects; ● Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls. ● Destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls. You can only activate 1 "Lightning Storm" per turn.


              Pot of Extravagance
              Pot of Extravagance
              Pot of Extravagance
              Spell Normal
              Pot of Extravagance

                At the start of your Main Phase 1: Banish 3 or 6 random face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; draw 1 card for every 3 cards banished. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot draw any cards by card effects.


                Pot of Prosperity
                Pot of Prosperity
                Pot of Prosperity
                Spell Normal
                Pot of Prosperity

                  Banish 3 or 6 cards of your choice from your Extra Deck, face-down; for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, any damage your opponent takes is halved, also excavate cards from the top of your Deck equal to the number of cards banished, add 1 excavated card to your hand, place the rest on the bottom of your Deck in any order. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Prosperity" per turn. You cannot draw cards by card effects the turn you activate this card.


                  Sweet Dreams, Nemleria
                  Sweet Dreams, Nemleria
                  Sweet Dreams, Nemleria
                  Spell Normal
                  Sweet Dreams, Nemleria

                    Add 1 "Nemleria" monster from your Deck to your hand, then, if you have a face-up "Dreaming Nemleria" in your Extra Deck, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when a "Nemleria" monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned this turn. You can place this card from your GY on the bottom of the Deck, then target 1 "Dreaming Nemleria" you control; add it to the Extra Deck face-up. You can only activate 1 "Sweet Dreams, Nemleria" per turn.

                    Triple Tactics Thrust
                    Triple Tactics Thrust
                    Triple Tactics Thrust
                    Spell Normal
                    Triple Tactics Thrust

                      If your opponent has activated a monster effect during this turn: Set 1 Normal Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, except "Triple Tactics Thrust", or if your opponent controls a monster, you can add it to your hand instead. That Set card cannot be activated this turn. You can only activate 1 "Triple Tactics Thrust" per turn.

                      Infinite Impermanence
                      Infinite Impermanence
                      Infinite Impermanence
                      Trap Normal
                      Infinite Impermanence

                        Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                        Nemleria Louve
                        Nemleria Louve
                        Nemleria Louve
                        Trap Normal
                        Nemleria Louve

                          Special Summon 1 "Nemleria" monster or 1 Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but return it to the hand during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 100 ATK/DEF for each of your currently face-down banished cards, until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Nemleria Louve" once per turn.

                          Nemleria Repeter
                          Nemleria Repeter
                          Nemleria Repeter
                          Trap Continuous
                          Nemleria Repeter

                            If you control another "Nemleria" card: You can banish the following number of cards from your Extra Deck face-down, except "Dreaming Nemleria", then activate the appropriate effect; ● 1: Add 1 "Nemleria" card from your GY to your hand. ● 2: Any damage you take this turn is halved. ● 3: Send 1 Level 10 Beast monster you control to the GY, and if you do, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. You can only use the effect of "Nemleria Repeter" once per turn.

                            Extra Deck

                            Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                            Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                            Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                            Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                            • ATK:

                            • 3000

                            • LINK-3

                            Link Arrow:




                            3 monsters with different names If this card was Link Summoned using a Level 7 or higher monster(s) as material, your opponent cannot target it with card effects, also it cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● This card gains 1500 ATK. ● This card can make a second attack during the Battle Phase of your next turn. ● Banish 1 card on the field.

                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            Knightmare Phoenix
                            • ATK:

                            • 1900

                            • LINK-2

                            Link Arrow:



                            2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                            • ATK:

                            • 300

                            • LINK-1

                            Link Arrow:


                            1 Level 1 Monster When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can Tribute this card; change that opponent's monster's ATK to 0, until the end of this turn. If this card is in your GY (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Level 1 monster; Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Linkuriboh" once per turn.

                            Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                            Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                            Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                            Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                            • ATK:

                            • 3200

                            • DEF:

                            • 4000

                            2 Level 10 monsters Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; that target is unaffected by card effects, except its own, until the end of this turn.

                            Skypalace Gangaridai
                            Skypalace Gangaridai
                            Skypalace Gangaridai
                            Skypalace Gangaridai
                            • ATK:

                            • 3400

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            2 Level 10 monsters You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target, and if you do, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only use the effect of "Skypalace Gangaridai" once per turn. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                            • ATK:

                            • 3000

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            2 Level 10 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; inflict 2000 damage to your opponent.

                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                            Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                            • ATK:

                            • 4000

                            • DEF:

                            • 4000

                            3 Level 11 monsters Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe" by using 1 Rank 10 Machine Xyz Monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; it gains 2000 ATK/DEF, also for the rest of this turn, you can only declare an attack with this card. During each Battle Phase, this card can make attacks on monsters up to the number of materials it has +1.

                            Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                            Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                            Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                            Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                            • ATK:

                            • 3000

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            2+ Level 10 monsters When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the activation, then you can detach 1 material from this card, then destroy 1 card on the field. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks while it has material: You can destroy 1 card on the field. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can destroy 1 card on the field. You can only use each effect of "Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times" once per turn.

                            Main: 52 Extra: 15

                            2 cardDreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized 2 cardDreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
                            Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
                            LIGHT 10
                            Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized
                            • ATK:

                            • 1500

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            Gains 100 ATK for each face-down card in your Extra Deck. You can only use each of the following effects of "Dreaming Reality of Nemleria, Realized" once per turn. If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 monster you control; place it on the bottom of the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon this card. If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● Add 1 "Dreaming Nemleria" from your Deck to your face-up Extra Deck. ● Change 1 other face-up monster on the field to face-down Defense Position.

                            2 cardMaxx "C"
                            2 cardMaxx "C"
                            Maxx "C"
                            EARTH 2
                            Maxx "C"
                            • ATK:

                            • 500

                            • DEF:

                            • 200

                            During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

                            3 cardMulcharmy Fuwalos 3 cardMulcharmy Fuwalos
                            Mulcharmy Fuwalos
                            WIND 4
                            Mulcharmy Fuwalos
                            • ATK:

                            • 100

                            • DEF:

                            • 600

                            If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn. ● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card. ● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6. You can only activate 1 other "Mulcharmy" monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.

                            2 cardNemleria Dream Defender - Couette 2 cardNemleria Dream Defender - Couette
                            Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
                            LIGHT 10
                            Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette" once per turn this way. When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a "Nemleria" card(s) you control, while you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck, face-down; negate that activation. You can only use this effect of "Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette" once per turn.

                            2 cardNemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller 2 cardNemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
                            Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
                            LIGHT 10
                            Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller" once per turn this way. If you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck, face-down; this card gains 500 ATK for each monster your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller" once per turn.

                            3 cardNemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil 3 cardNemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
                            Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
                            DARK 10
                            Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            If this card is in your hand or GY: You can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck face-down, except "Dreaming Nemleria"; Special Summon this card. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters. You can send 1 other Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Set 1 "Nemleria" Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use each effect of "Nemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil" once per turn.

                            2 cardRadian, the Multidimensional Kaiju 2 cardRadian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
                            Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
                            DARK 7
                            Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju
                            • ATK:

                            • 2800

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. Once per turn: You can remove 2 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; Special Summon 1 "Radian Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2800/DEF 0), but it cannot be used as a Synchro Material.

                            1 cardRegenesis Archfiend Bemidbar 1 cardRegenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
                            Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
                            EARTH 8
                            Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by revealing 1 other monster in your hand with 2500 ATK or DEF. You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar" once per turn. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Regenesis" card from your Deck or banishment to your hand, except "Regenesis Archfiend Bemidbar". During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

                            1 cardRegenesis Dragon Vayikra 1 cardRegenesis Dragon Vayikra
                            Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
                            WIND 8
                            Regenesis Dragon Vayikra
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            If a monster with 2500 original ATK or DEF is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Dragon Vayikra" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Dragon Vayikra" once per turn. (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; banish it. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

                            1 cardRegenesis God Deuteronomion 1 cardRegenesis God Deuteronomion
                            Regenesis God Deuteronomion
                            LIGHT 10
                            Regenesis God Deuteronomion
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 face-up monster you control with 2500 original ATK and DEF. You can only Special Summon "Regenesis God Deuteronomion" once per turn this way. If this card is Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Regenesis" Spell/Trap from your Deck. Gains 2500 ATK during the Battle Phase only. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

                            2 cardRegenesis Sage Shemot 2 cardRegenesis Sage Shemot
                            Regenesis Sage Shemot
                            WATER 7
                            Regenesis Sage Shemot
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2500

                            If a monster with 2500 original ATK or DEF is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Regenesis Sage Shemot" once per turn this way. You can only use each of the following effects of "Regenesis Sage Shemot" once per turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can send 1 other "Regenesis" card from your hand or face-up field to the GY; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add it to your hand.

                            3 cardDreaming Nemleria 3 cardDreaming Nemleria
                            Dreaming Nemleria
                            LIGHT 18
                            Dreaming Nemleria
                            • ATK:

                            • 0

                            • DEF:

                            • 1500

                            [ Pendulum Effect ] Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can place 1 "Nemleria" Continuous Spell from your Deck or GY face-up on your field, and if you do, add this card to your Extra Deck face-up. You cannot Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria" the turn you activate this effect. [ Monster Effect ] Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your face-up Extra Deck) by having no cards in your Extra Deck, except "Dreaming Nemleria". You can only Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria(s)" once per turn. If this card is Special Summoned: For every 3 of your face-down banished cards, you can banish up to 1 card from your opponent's field and/or GY, face-down, then shuffle 1 of your face-down banished cards into your Deck for each card you banished by this effect.

                            3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring 3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
                            Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                            FIRE 3
                            Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                            • ATK:

                            • 0

                            • DEF:

                            • 1800

                            When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

                            2 cardCalled by the Grave
                            2 cardCalled by the Grave
                            Called by the Grave
                            Spell Quick
                            Called by the Grave

                              Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


                              2 cardDark Ruler No More 2 cardDark Ruler No More
                              Dark Ruler No More
                              Spell Normal
                              Dark Ruler No More

                                Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card's activation.


                                2 cardDream Tower of Princess Nemleria 2 cardDream Tower of Princess Nemleria
                                Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria
                                Spell Continuous
                                Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria

                                  You can banish 2 face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; add 2 Level 10 Beast monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters. You can only use this effect of "Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria" once per turn. If a "Nemleria" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, while you have "Dreaming Nemleria" face-up in your Extra Deck, you can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down, instead.

                                  3 cardGordian Schneider 3 cardGordian Schneider
                                  Gordian Schneider
                                  Spell Normal
                                  Gordian Schneider

                                    This card's activation and effect cannot be negated. At the start of your Main Phase 1 or 2: Target any number of face-up cards on the field; for every targeted card, banish 1 card from your hand or 6 cards from your Extra Deck, face-down, then return the targeted cards to the hand.

                                    1 cardIn Papa's Footsteps 1 cardIn Papa's Footsteps
                                    In Papa's Footsteps
                                    Spell Quick
                                    In Papa's Footsteps

                                      If a card(s) is sent to the GY, except "In Papa's Footsteps": Banish up to 5 cards from your GY, face-down, then if 7 or more of your cards are currently banished face-down, your opponent banishes as many cards as possible from their GY (max. 5) face-down.

                                      2 cardLightning Storm
                                      2 cardLightning Storm
                                      Lightning Storm
                                      Spell Normal
                                      Lightning Storm

                                        If you control no face-up cards: Activate 1 of these effects; ● Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls. ● Destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls. You can only activate 1 "Lightning Storm" per turn.


                                        2 cardPot of Extravagance
                                        2 cardPot of Extravagance
                                        Pot of Extravagance
                                        Spell Normal
                                        Pot of Extravagance

                                          At the start of your Main Phase 1: Banish 3 or 6 random face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; draw 1 card for every 3 cards banished. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot draw any cards by card effects.


                                          1 cardPot of Prosperity
                                          1 cardPot of Prosperity
                                          Pot of Prosperity
                                          Spell Normal
                                          Pot of Prosperity

                                            Banish 3 or 6 cards of your choice from your Extra Deck, face-down; for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, any damage your opponent takes is halved, also excavate cards from the top of your Deck equal to the number of cards banished, add 1 excavated card to your hand, place the rest on the bottom of your Deck in any order. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Prosperity" per turn. You cannot draw cards by card effects the turn you activate this card.


                                            3 cardSweet Dreams, Nemleria 3 cardSweet Dreams, Nemleria
                                            Sweet Dreams, Nemleria
                                            Spell Normal
                                            Sweet Dreams, Nemleria

                                              Add 1 "Nemleria" monster from your Deck to your hand, then, if you have a face-up "Dreaming Nemleria" in your Extra Deck, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when a "Nemleria" monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned this turn. You can place this card from your GY on the bottom of the Deck, then target 1 "Dreaming Nemleria" you control; add it to the Extra Deck face-up. You can only activate 1 "Sweet Dreams, Nemleria" per turn.

                                              2 cardTriple Tactics Thrust 2 cardTriple Tactics Thrust
                                              Triple Tactics Thrust
                                              Spell Normal
                                              Triple Tactics Thrust

                                                If your opponent has activated a monster effect during this turn: Set 1 Normal Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, except "Triple Tactics Thrust", or if your opponent controls a monster, you can add it to your hand instead. That Set card cannot be activated this turn. You can only activate 1 "Triple Tactics Thrust" per turn.

                                                2 cardInfinite Impermanence 2 cardInfinite Impermanence
                                                Infinite Impermanence
                                                Trap Normal
                                                Infinite Impermanence

                                                  Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                                                  2 cardNemleria Louve 2 cardNemleria Louve
                                                  Nemleria Louve
                                                  Trap Normal
                                                  Nemleria Louve

                                                    Special Summon 1 "Nemleria" monster or 1 Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but return it to the hand during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 100 ATK/DEF for each of your currently face-down banished cards, until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Nemleria Louve" once per turn.

                                                    1 cardNemleria Repeter 1 cardNemleria Repeter
                                                    Nemleria Repeter
                                                    Trap Continuous
                                                    Nemleria Repeter

                                                      If you control another "Nemleria" card: You can banish the following number of cards from your Extra Deck face-down, except "Dreaming Nemleria", then activate the appropriate effect; ● 1: Add 1 "Nemleria" card from your GY to your hand. ● 2: Any damage you take this turn is halved. ● 3: Send 1 Level 10 Beast monster you control to the GY, and if you do, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. You can only use the effect of "Nemleria Repeter" once per turn.

                                                      1 cardBlack Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos 1 cardBlack Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                                                      Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                                                      Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      • LINK-3

                                                      Link Arrow:




                                                      3 monsters with different names If this card was Link Summoned using a Level 7 or higher monster(s) as material, your opponent cannot target it with card effects, also it cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● This card gains 1500 ATK. ● This card can make a second attack during the Battle Phase of your next turn. ● Banish 1 card on the field.

                                                      1 cardKnightmare Phoenix 1 cardKnightmare Phoenix
                                                      Knightmare Phoenix
                                                      Knightmare Phoenix
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 1900

                                                      • LINK-2

                                                      Link Arrow:



                                                      2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                                                      1 cardLinkuriboh
                                                      1 cardLinkuriboh
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 300

                                                      • LINK-1

                                                      Link Arrow:


                                                      1 Level 1 Monster When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can Tribute this card; change that opponent's monster's ATK to 0, until the end of this turn. If this card is in your GY (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Level 1 monster; Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Linkuriboh" once per turn.

                                                      2 cardNumber 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora 2 cardNumber 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                                                      Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                                                      Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 3200

                                                      • DEF:

                                                      • 4000

                                                      2 Level 10 monsters Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; that target is unaffected by card effects, except its own, until the end of this turn.

                                                      2 cardSkypalace Gangaridai 2 cardSkypalace Gangaridai
                                                      Skypalace Gangaridai
                                                      Skypalace Gangaridai
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 3400

                                                      • DEF:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      2 Level 10 monsters You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target, and if you do, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only use the effect of "Skypalace Gangaridai" once per turn. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

                                                      3 cardSuperdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max 3 cardSuperdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                                                      Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                                                      Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      • DEF:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      2 Level 10 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; inflict 2000 damage to your opponent.

                                                      3 cardSuperdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe 3 cardSuperdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                                                      Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                                                      Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 4000

                                                      • DEF:

                                                      • 4000

                                                      3 Level 11 monsters Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe" by using 1 Rank 10 Machine Xyz Monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; it gains 2000 ATK/DEF, also for the rest of this turn, you can only declare an attack with this card. During each Battle Phase, this card can make attacks on monsters up to the number of materials it has +1.

                                                      2 cardVarudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times 2 cardVarudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                                                      Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                                                      Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times
                                                      • ATK:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      • DEF:

                                                      • 3000

                                                      2+ Level 10 monsters When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the activation, then you can detach 1 material from this card, then destroy 1 card on the field. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks while it has material: You can destroy 1 card on the field. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can destroy 1 card on the field. You can only use each effect of "Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times" once per turn.

                                                      NEMLERIA Decks in OCG
