Sunavalon Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

R Rarity
Sunseed Shadow
R Rarity
Sunseed Shadow
R Rarity
Sunseed Shadow
Sunseed Shadow
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 400

If you control a Plant Normal Monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 linked Link-2 or lower "Sunavalon" or "Sunvine" monster you control; Special Summon 1 monster with the same name from your Extra Deck, but negate its effects, also you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Plant monsters. You can only use each effect of "Sunseed Shadow" once per turn.

R Rarity
Sunseed Twin
R Rarity
Sunseed Twin
R Rarity
Sunseed Twin
Sunseed Twin
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 800

If this card is Normal or Special Summoned while you control a "Sunavalon" Link Monster: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower Plant Normal Monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can banish this card in your GY and 1 Link Monster you control; if you have 2 or more Plant Link Monsters with the same name as each other in your GY, Special Summon 1 of them. You can only use each effect of "Sunseed Twin" once per turn.

R Rarity
Sunvine Maiden
R Rarity
Sunvine Maiden
R Rarity
Sunvine Maiden
Sunvine Maiden
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a Plant monster(s) you control that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, negate that effect. You can only use this effect of "Sunvine Maiden" once per turn. Your opponent cannot target "Sunavalon" or "Sunvine" Spells/Traps you control with card effects.

UR Rarity
Sunseed Genius Loci
UR Rarity
Sunseed Genius Loci
UR Rarity
Sunseed Genius Loci
Sunseed Genius Loci
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 600

''This seed can only be harvested from the sacred tree once every thousand years, and will become the guardian spirit of its land after a thousand more.''

UR Rarity
Effect Veiler
UR Rarity
Effect Veiler
UR Rarity
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate the effects of that face-up monster your opponent controls, until the end of this turn.

UR Rarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
UR Rarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
UR Rarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
Spell Quick
Mystical Space Typhoon

    Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.

    SR Rarity
    Sunvine Shrine
    SR Rarity
    Sunvine Shrine
    SR Rarity
    Sunvine Shrine
    Spell Continuous
    Sunvine Shrine

      Activate this card by sending 1 card from your hand to the GY while you control a "Sunavalon" Link Monster. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Plant monsters. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Plant Normal Monster from your GY. Once per turn, during your opponent's End Phase: You can send this face-up card to the GY, then target 1 Continuous Trap in your GY; Set it to your Spell & Trap Zone.

      SR Rarity
      Sunvine Sowing
      SR Rarity
      Sunvine Sowing
      SR Rarity
      Sunvine Sowing
      Spell Normal
      Sunvine Sowing

        Special Summon 1 "Sunseed" monster from your Deck, and if you do, take 1000 damage. If you control no "Sunavalon" Link Monsters, you can only Special Summon "Sunseed Genius Loci" with this effect. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Plant monsters. If a Plant Link Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. You can only activate 1 "Sunvine Sowing" per turn.

        UR Rarity
        Unexpected Dai
        UR Rarity
        Unexpected Dai
        UR Rarity
        Unexpected Dai
        Spell Normal
        Unexpected Dai

          If you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from the Deck.

          SR Rarity
          Sunavalon Bloom
          SR Rarity
          Sunavalon Bloom
          SR Rarity
          Sunavalon Bloom
          Trap Continuous
          Sunavalon Bloom

            When this card is activated: If you control a Link-4 or higher Plant monster when this effect resolves, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls. During damage calculation, if your Plant Link Monster battles: You can activate this effect; it gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of monsters it currently points to, until the end of this turn. (These effects remain even if this card leaves the field.) You can only use this effect of "Sunavalon Bloom" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Sunavalon Bloom" per turn.

            Extra Deck

            SR Rarity
            Benghalancer the Resurgent
            SR Rarity
            Benghalancer the Resurgent
            SR Rarity
            Benghalancer the Resurgent
            Benghalancer the Resurgent
            • ATK:

            • 2500

            • LINK-4

            Link Arrow:





            2+ Plant monsters During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; take damage equal to its ATK, and if you did take damage, return it to the hand. If this card is in your GY: You can banish 2 or more Link Monsters from your GY whose combined Link Ratings equal exactly 4; Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use 1 "Benghalancer the Resurgent" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Daphne
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Daphne
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Daphne
            Sunavalon Daphne
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • LINK-2

            Link Arrow:



            2 Plant monsters This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 2 Plant Link Monsters in your GY, except "Sunavalon Daphne"; return them to the Extra Deck. You can only use this effect of "Sunavalon Daphne" once per turn.

            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryas
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryas
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryas
            Sunavalon Dryas
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • LINK-1

            Link Arrow:


            1 Level 4 or lower Plant monster If this card is Link Summoned in the Extra Monster Zone using "Sunseed Genius Loci" as material: You can add 1 "Sunvine" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn, if you take battle or effect damage: You can gain that much LP, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Sunvine" monster from your Extra Deck.

            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
            Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • LINK-4

            Link Arrow:





            2+ Link Monsters If this card is Link Summoned: You can add 1 "Sunavalon" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects, and cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 Link Monster this card points to; destroy any number of cards your opponent controls, up to that monster's Link Rating.

            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Melias
            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Melias
            SR Rarity
            Sunavalon Melias
            Sunavalon Melias
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • LINK-3

            Link Arrow:




            2+ Plant monsters, including a Link Monster If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Sunseed Genius Loci" from your GY. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Sunvine" Link Monster you control that this card points to; this turn, it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of "Sunavalon" Link Monsters you currently control.

            UR Rarity
            Sunvine Thrasher
            UR Rarity
            Sunvine Thrasher
            UR Rarity
            Sunvine Thrasher
            Sunvine Thrasher
            • ATK:

            • 800

            • LINK-1

            Link Arrow:


            1 Plant Normal Monster If a "Sunavalon" Link Monster you control leaves the field by card effect: Destroy this card. If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 "Sunavalon" Link Monster on the field; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Link Rating x 800. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the GY: You can Special Summon that monster to your zone a Link Monster points to, but negate its effects.

            Popular Skills

            Sprouting of the Sacred Seed: 100%
            Sprouting of the Sacred Seed

            Need 15 UR

            UR Rarity
            Droll & Lock Bird1 card
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Daphne2 card
            UR Rarity
            Sunavalon Dryas2 card
            UR Rarity
            Sunvine Thrasher1 card
            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci3 card
            UR Rarity
            Effect Veiler1 card
            UR Rarity
            Mystical Space Typhoon2 card
            UR Rarity
            Unexpected Dai3 card

            Main: 20 Extra: 9

            UR Rarity
            Droll & Lock Bird
            UR Rarity
            Droll & Lock Bird
            Droll & Lock Bird
            WIND 1
            Droll & Lock Bird
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 0

            If a card(s) is added from the Main Deck to your opponent's hand, except during the Draw Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; for the rest of this turn, cards cannot be added from either player's Main Deck to the hand.

            SR Rarity
            Skull Meister
            SR Rarity
            Skull Meister
            Skull Meister
            DARK 4
            Skull Meister
            • ATK:

            • 1700

            • DEF:

            • 400

            When a card effect is activated in your opponent's GY (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; negate that effect.

            R Rarity
            Sunseed Shadow
            R Rarity
            Sunseed Shadow
            Sunseed Shadow
            EARTH 1
            Sunseed Shadow
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 400

            If you control a Plant Normal Monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 linked Link-2 or lower "Sunavalon" or "Sunvine" monster you control; Special Summon 1 monster with the same name from your Extra Deck, but negate its effects, also you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Plant monsters. You can only use each effect of "Sunseed Shadow" once per turn.

            R Rarity
            Sunseed Twin
            R Rarity
            Sunseed Twin
            Sunseed Twin
            EARTH 2
            Sunseed Twin
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 800

            If this card is Normal or Special Summoned while you control a "Sunavalon" Link Monster: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower Plant Normal Monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can banish this card in your GY and 1 Link Monster you control; if you have 2 or more Plant Link Monsters with the same name as each other in your GY, Special Summon 1 of them. You can only use each effect of "Sunseed Twin" once per turn.

            R Rarity
            Sunvine Maiden
            R Rarity
            Sunvine Maiden
            Sunvine Maiden
            EARTH 1
            Sunvine Maiden
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 0

            When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a Plant monster(s) you control that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, negate that effect. You can only use this effect of "Sunvine Maiden" once per turn. Your opponent cannot target "Sunavalon" or "Sunvine" Spells/Traps you control with card effects.

            R Rarity
            R Rarity
            LIGHT 3
            • ATK:

            • 1600

            • DEF:

            • 0

            This card's name becomes "Skull Servant" while it is in the Graveyard. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Wightprince" from your Deck to the Graveyard. During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand or field to the Graveyard; all monsters currently on the field lose ATK and DEF equal to their own Level/Rank x 300, until the end of this turn.

            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            EARTH 1
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 600

            ''This seed can only be harvested from the sacred tree once every thousand years, and will become the guardian spirit of its land after a thousand more.''

            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            EARTH 1
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 600

            ''This seed can only be harvested from the sacred tree once every thousand years, and will become the guardian spirit of its land after a thousand more.''

            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            UR Rarity
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            EARTH 1
            Sunseed Genius Loci
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 600

            ''This seed can only be harvested from the sacred tree once every thousand years, and will become the guardian spirit of its land after a thousand more.''

            UR Rarity
            Effect Veiler
            UR Rarity
            Effect Veiler
            Effect Veiler
            LIGHT 1
            Effect Veiler
            • ATK:

            • 0

            • DEF:

            • 0

            During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate the effects of that face-up monster your opponent controls, until the end of this turn.

            UR Rarity
            Mystical Space Typhoon
            UR Rarity
            Mystical Space Typhoon
            Mystical Space Typhoon
            Spell Quick
            Mystical Space Typhoon

              Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.

              UR Rarity
              Mystical Space Typhoon
              UR Rarity
              Mystical Space Typhoon
              Mystical Space Typhoon
              Spell Quick
              Mystical Space Typhoon

                Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.

                SR Rarity
                Sunvine Shrine
                SR Rarity
                Sunvine Shrine
                Sunvine Shrine
                Spell Continuous
                Sunvine Shrine

                  Activate this card by sending 1 card from your hand to the GY while you control a "Sunavalon" Link Monster. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Plant monsters. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Plant Normal Monster from your GY. Once per turn, during your opponent's End Phase: You can send this face-up card to the GY, then target 1 Continuous Trap in your GY; Set it to your Spell & Trap Zone.

                  SR Rarity
                  Sunvine Sowing
                  SR Rarity
                  Sunvine Sowing
                  Sunvine Sowing
                  Spell Normal
                  Sunvine Sowing

                    Special Summon 1 "Sunseed" monster from your Deck, and if you do, take 1000 damage. If you control no "Sunavalon" Link Monsters, you can only Special Summon "Sunseed Genius Loci" with this effect. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Plant monsters. If a Plant Link Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. You can only activate 1 "Sunvine Sowing" per turn.

                    SR Rarity
                    Sunvine Sowing
                    SR Rarity
                    Sunvine Sowing
                    Sunvine Sowing
                    Spell Normal
                    Sunvine Sowing

                      Special Summon 1 "Sunseed" monster from your Deck, and if you do, take 1000 damage. If you control no "Sunavalon" Link Monsters, you can only Special Summon "Sunseed Genius Loci" with this effect. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Plant monsters. If a Plant Link Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead. You can only activate 1 "Sunvine Sowing" per turn.

                      UR Rarity
                      Unexpected Dai
                      UR Rarity
                      Unexpected Dai
                      Unexpected Dai
                      Spell Normal
                      Unexpected Dai

                        If you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from the Deck.

                        UR Rarity
                        Unexpected Dai
                        UR Rarity
                        Unexpected Dai
                        Unexpected Dai
                        Spell Normal
                        Unexpected Dai

                          If you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from the Deck.

                          UR Rarity
                          Unexpected Dai
                          UR Rarity
                          Unexpected Dai
                          Unexpected Dai
                          Spell Normal
                          Unexpected Dai

                            If you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from the Deck.

                            SR Rarity
                            Sunavalon Bloom
                            SR Rarity
                            Sunavalon Bloom
                            Sunavalon Bloom
                            Trap Continuous
                            Sunavalon Bloom

                              When this card is activated: If you control a Link-4 or higher Plant monster when this effect resolves, negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls. During damage calculation, if your Plant Link Monster battles: You can activate this effect; it gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of monsters it currently points to, until the end of this turn. (These effects remain even if this card leaves the field.) You can only use this effect of "Sunavalon Bloom" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Sunavalon Bloom" per turn.

                              SR Rarity
                              Treacherous Trap Hole
                              SR Rarity
                              Treacherous Trap Hole
                              Treacherous Trap Hole
                              Trap Normal
                              Treacherous Trap Hole

                                If you have no Trap Cards in your Graveyard: Target 2 monsters on the field; destroy those targets.

                                SR Rarity
                                Benghalancer the Resurgent
                                SR Rarity
                                Benghalancer the Resurgent
                                Benghalancer the Resurgent
                                Benghalancer the Resurgent
                                • ATK:

                                • 2500

                                • LINK-4

                                Link Arrow:





                                2+ Plant monsters During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; take damage equal to its ATK, and if you did take damage, return it to the hand. If this card is in your GY: You can banish 2 or more Link Monsters from your GY whose combined Link Ratings equal exactly 4; Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use 1 "Benghalancer the Resurgent" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-2

                                Link Arrow:



                                2 Plant monsters This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 2 Plant Link Monsters in your GY, except "Sunavalon Daphne"; return them to the Extra Deck. You can only use this effect of "Sunavalon Daphne" once per turn.

                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                Sunavalon Daphne
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-2

                                Link Arrow:



                                2 Plant monsters This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 2 Plant Link Monsters in your GY, except "Sunavalon Daphne"; return them to the Extra Deck. You can only use this effect of "Sunavalon Daphne" once per turn.

                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-1

                                Link Arrow:


                                1 Level 4 or lower Plant monster If this card is Link Summoned in the Extra Monster Zone using "Sunseed Genius Loci" as material: You can add 1 "Sunvine" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn, if you take battle or effect damage: You can gain that much LP, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Sunvine" monster from your Extra Deck.

                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                UR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                Sunavalon Dryas
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-1

                                Link Arrow:


                                1 Level 4 or lower Plant monster If this card is Link Summoned in the Extra Monster Zone using "Sunseed Genius Loci" as material: You can add 1 "Sunvine" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn, if you take battle or effect damage: You can gain that much LP, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Sunvine" monster from your Extra Deck.

                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
                                Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
                                Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-4

                                Link Arrow:





                                2+ Link Monsters If this card is Link Summoned: You can add 1 "Sunavalon" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects, and cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 Link Monster this card points to; destroy any number of cards your opponent controls, up to that monster's Link Rating.

                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-3

                                Link Arrow:




                                2+ Plant monsters, including a Link Monster If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Sunseed Genius Loci" from your GY. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Sunvine" Link Monster you control that this card points to; this turn, it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of "Sunavalon" Link Monsters you currently control.

                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                SR Rarity
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                Sunavalon Melias
                                • ATK:

                                • 0

                                • LINK-3

                                Link Arrow:




                                2+ Plant monsters, including a Link Monster If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Sunseed Genius Loci" from your GY. This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Sunvine" Link Monster you control that this card points to; this turn, it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of "Sunavalon" Link Monsters you currently control.

                                UR Rarity
                                Sunvine Thrasher
                                UR Rarity
                                Sunvine Thrasher
                                Sunvine Thrasher
                                Sunvine Thrasher
                                • ATK:

                                • 800

                                • LINK-1

                                Link Arrow:


                                1 Plant Normal Monster If a "Sunavalon" Link Monster you control leaves the field by card effect: Destroy this card. If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 "Sunavalon" Link Monster on the field; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Link Rating x 800. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the GY: You can Special Summon that monster to your zone a Link Monster points to, but negate its effects.

                                SUNAVALON Decks in DUEL LINKS
