OCG: July 2024 Banlist and Feelings...

OCG's new banlist is finally released and this hit of OCG also quite pleases players because of the 'freeing' of its old cards, specifically as follows:
  • 'Thunder Dragon' players will be very happy with this banlist, it can be seen that the best rogue deck in the future will be in the hands of Thunder Dragon. I like thissss
  • Ib synchro is also coming back, with this, in my opinion, maybe you can apply the small ib synchro engine in purely synchro decks to get a free 5-star body on the field.
  • Bulb is also coming back => mill decks like Tear would be fun, but I don't use it so I don't care much :v
  • The leading dragons will be released again :/ I just take it slow because the market price of these leaves is actually quite expensive
  • A really long banlist but it doesn't hit Snake much while Ash is only reduced to 1 card
  • Finally, the funniest thing in the banlist is the departure of the Catapult Turtle . According to known information, this turtle will be very useful for FTK decks that use burning damage, and looking at this action by Konami, it is likely that they want to focus on FTK decks more thoroughly. Therefore, Kaiser Colosseum was also banned!
Overall, this banlist is long, but brings a lot of good news for Duelist, Im happy now!

Banlist will take effect from July 1 , detailed information here !

What do you think about the banlist? Please let YGO Vietnam know!

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- Yu-Gi-Oh! Guidance Vietnam

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