OCG: New banlist to welcome the new year and feelings about new things...

New year with new information and new OCG Banlist !!! OCG's changes are also gradually being merged to synchronize with other platforms as well as to better suit the current meta, let's take a look at these changes...
  • Calamity was banned: Well, this is not surprising, when the boss from ancient times is still overpwring and dominating every Synchro deck until now, should we still nerf it so that duelists can play more, right???
  • Redox is released again: this year seems to be the year of the Dragon Rulers, right? Well, let's look forward to seeing what the dragon bosses can drop into the OCG field this year
  • Heavy Storm is released: Ayda, the joy is unbearable when the delicious Tech card is released to clear out the Labrynth ~~
  • Are floodgates being gradually released? Are turn 2 supports being buffed? Oh man that's great, because if that were the case, the game would start out more fun, without needing to rely too much on the meta deck!!!
  • Tri-Bri is back... Dragon Link has new support??? Sky Striker returns to its golden age??? And the birds are back???

To see more clearly about the banlist, you can refer here !

What do you think of? Please let YGO Vietnam know!!!

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- Yu-Gi-Oh! Guidance Vietnam

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