OCG: October Banlist Update and Thoughts

The OCG October Banlist is finally out with a bunch of changes that should make the game more balanced! Note that the Banlist will take effect on October 1, 2024 (1 week from today). Without further ado, let's break it down! :")

General feelings
  • Forbidden : Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal being banned will reduce the stability of combo-based decks that use powerful graveyard effects. This is a reasonable adjustment to limit the power of some overpowered strategies.

  • Limited : Powerful cards like Zoodiac Drident , Master Peace , and Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon are returning in a single copy. This creates opportunities for decks to focus on them, but also forces players to be careful to maximize their chances of using these cards.

  • Semi-Limited : The increased availability of cards like Maxx C and Fusion Destiny creates more flexibility for deck building, but also means the meta will have more diverse strategies.

  • Unlimited : The Dragon Rulers (Blaster, Redox, Tidal, Tempest) being returned to Unlimited could encourage the return of dragon-based strategies. This could have a big impact on the meta, especially for experienced players.

Advantages and disadvantages

For old players
  • Advantages :

    • The return of Zoodiac Drident and Master Peace allows old players familiar with these strategies to reuse old decks without having to invest in a completely new strategy.
    • Powerful cards like Raigeki and Lightning Storm are both brought to Unlimited, giving older players more flexibility in building powerful offensive decks.
  • Disadvantages :

    • The banning of Beatrice could be a setback for players who have relied on the strategy of using it to extract potential from the graveyard. This requires them to adapt and look for other strategies.
For new players
  • Advantages :

    • The fact that many cards are limited and semi-limited makes it easy for new players to access some powerful cards without having to invest in expensive full-sets.
    • Cards like Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon and Master Peace return, giving new players the chance to play powerful cards in decks that are easy to understand and build.
  • Disadvantages :

    • The fact that cards like Maxx C and Fusion Destiny are semi-limited can increase the difficulty of dealing with professional strategies, especially if new players are unfamiliar with the current meta.
    • The strategies surrounding Dragon Ruler can be a bit confusing and complex for new players.

Tips to help new players

  1. Focus on easy-to-play cards : New players should start with simple and powerful cards like Raigeki , Lightning Storm , and Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon to easily get used to the basic strategy of the game.

  2. Learn how to deal with the meta : Players should study popular strategies surrounding semi-limited cards like Maxx C or Fusion Destiny to understand how to counter them effectively.

  3. Easy to Build Deck Choices : Decks that use returning cards like Zoodiac or Red-Eyes are good choices for new players because they are easy to build and have powerful effects.

  4. Use online resources : New players are encouraged to consult forums, YouTube channels, or online deck builders to learn more about how to effectively combine the cards on this list.

For more details, please visit here !

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