Gems are a type of currency in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel allows you to purchase important items in the shop such as Packs , Structure Decks and Duel Passes . However, there are many ways to find Gems, such as loading :v (Most players won't want something expensive, right?) Therefore, below are some ways to find and farm Gems. A free way for newbie players as well as vegetarian farmers!

Instructions on how to find Gems
Via Solo Mode

Solo Mode provides a decent amount of Gems! For example, Duel Strategy Gate rewards players with 600 Gems for each Practice Chapter they complete in it.
In addition, in other Chapters, players can receive about 200 Gems each time they Duel using their deck (usually in the last Duel in the Comsumable section - the gate image is at the top).
Complete Limited and Unlimited Time missions

Completing quests is another solid way to farm Gems in Master Duel. Missions are divided into two types: Limited and Unlimited. Previously completed quests will refresh after a set number of days, while later quests are permanent and often provide more rewards as you progress through it.
Mission activities can cover every aspect of the game. Gems can be rewarded anywhere from winning Ranked matches to just logging in every day.
Mission activities can cover every aspect of the game. Gems can be rewarded anywhere from winning Ranked matches to just logging in every day.
Participate in Rank matches

Rank Match (Standard) is another way to farm Gems. Gems are rewarded when you win and climb the Rank higher! You can earn a small amount of Gems relatively early in Bronze Rank.
Winning a match also gets Gems?

Gems can be obtained with Legacy Pack Tickets by winning Ranked matches. However, it's important to note that the chance of a winning match yielding gems is extremely low, and the amount never seems to exceed 8 gems since the game's launch.
Should I invest in Duel Pass?

Duel Pass is described as a Vip 1, Vip 2 recharge that games often use, but here Konami was kind enough to give us the Gold Duel Pass at a cost of 300 Gems in exchange for 600 Gems and a bunch of gems to create. post.
Duel Pass is also a good way to earn Gems, helping to increase your rewards after each Ranked match.
Final words
So, I hope that after this article, newbies can earn themselves a lot of Gems to be able to open packs and create their own satisfactory decks. If you have any questions, please contact YGO Vietnam immediately for quick answers!
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