This is a question we get a lot from beginners. Therefore, we will answer for you which Decks are the most worth investing in for beginners in this tutorial.

Answer: What deck should I play if I'm new to the game?
Sections covered in this guide:
Article overview
This will list Archetypes that are considered cheap but highly effective. Suitable for new players and players focusing on farming (F2P). However, some card clans have quite complicated playing mechanisms even though they are very cheap to own, which can cause a bit of difficulty for beginners.

Aroma Archetype is an Archetype in Yu-Gi-Oh! This Archetype mainly consists of Plant-type monsters (with the exception of one Rock-type monster). For most of its existence in Duel Links, the deck was only available through Card Trader via the Feature Cards and Inventory Cards sections. However, with Konami releasing the Mini Box Fortress of Gears, the Aroma line has received a lot more Support through trap and spell cards like Humid Winds , Bless Winds and more.
- Aroma Archetype focuses on increasing Life Points (referred to as LP in this guide) to use monster effects while setting up a powerful field set that allows it to disrupt your opponent's turn. The deck's weakness lies in the early game as it takes some time to set up a good field. However, in the later stages of the game, the deck is at its peak as it can easily outpace other decks. Each Aroma monster has at least two effects:
- Their continuous effects are activated while your LP is higher than your opponent's and you control monsters, however there are exception monsters such as Aromage Laurel and Aromaseraphy Angelica .
- Usually, their other effects are mandatory and are activated when LP is increased. The only exception to this is Aromaseraphy Angelica , a monster that can be dropped to the grave to increase LP. However, there are some exceptions that have more than two effects, for example: Aromage Marjoram or Aromage Laurel .
- In Duel Links, this line of cards has been divided into two main versions:
- The Synchro version has a tuner monster called Aromaseraphy Angelica that can use Synchro monsters. This version can be considered a bit more aggressive and faster due to being able to use monsters such as Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier or Coral Dragon . However, this version of the deck is more prone to brick hands due to having more useless monsters on your first turn (e.g. Angelica).
- Xyz version. Despite not using Angelica and therefore not using Synchro monsters, this version of the deck can use some of the newly released Xyz monsters. While it doesn't necessarily have an advantage over the Synchro version right now, this version of the deck will get stronger with each new box as there are so many good generic Xyz monsters yet to be released in the game (Mostly Xyz monsters with low rank and good effects).

Lunalight was released in Judgment Force in February 2020. Lunalight found its place in Duel Links as a deck that focuses aggressively on OTK. The Lunalight deck revolves around its monsters receiving effects when sent to the grave using card effects to gain advantages in the number of cards in hand, number of monsters on the field, resource recycling, and more. that too. Additionally, the Lunalight monster has secondary effects to facilitate Fusion summoning. These effects together make Lunalight a powerful Fusion deck that can abuse its mechanics to continuously OTK in Duel Links. The purpose of this article is to introduce and guide Lunalight play, provide insight into how the cards combo together, and provide help and tips for building powerful decks for the meta .
- Lunalight is an OTK focused deck. The deck revolves around its monsters gaining effects when sent to the Graveyard using card effects to gain the advantage of Chain-Link Blocking, stable field placement, resource conservation, and more again. Additionally, Lunalight Monsters have secondary effects to facilitate Fusion summoning. One of the main ways to win is Lunalight Saber Dancer , a monster with high attack power that cannot be targeted, or using your opponent's monster from the Extra Deck to summon Lunalight Cat Dancer , a free monster. Infected with destruction in combat can clear monsters similar to Invoked Purgatrio . Lunalight decks can be supplemented with additional mechanics such as Neos or Lightsworn to activate Lunalight effects in the graveyard to extend the turn or create further Fusion summons for the next turn.
- Despite going through two ban lists when all of Lunalight's core cards were limited, Lunalight still proved its position in the meta thanks to the support of Fire Formation - Tenki and Rank 4 Xyz monsters.
- Lunalight is also a famous deck because it is both effective and cheap, very suitable for F2P players. Although you will have to spend more Gems or money to improve its power, But in general, you can have enough cards to play with a reasonable amount of gems.

Gaia The Fierce Knight first appeared in Duel Monsters on December 16, 1998. In the Yugi Vs Haga match, Yugi used Gaia to fuse with Curse Of Dragon and created Gaia The Dragon Champion and that is the image prototype to create later gaia leaves
- Gaia is a deck that is the opposite of Lunalight's style of control with effects that neutralize the opponent's monster effects, thereby controlling the field and winning the match. Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons is considered your main card to negate the effects of your opponent's monsters.
- Although considered a deck for beginners, Gaia will become more stable and stronger when you buy 2 more Gaia Structure Decks.

Red-Eyes is a card family that is considered F2P and cannot become meta quickly because the game has not yet released much support for them. However, with the recent release of the box, building a Red-Eyes deck to compete for the top in Rank matches is completely possible. So this will be a guide for you to better understand this card line and why it is so worth playing.
- With so many Red-Eyes support cards available and newly released, this could be a pretty solid deck. They may have the option to seek out Red-Eyes Fusion cards, repeated respawns, or even the option to control your opponent's monsters. Gearfried also plays an important role in dealing with your opponent's spell/trap cards or monsters, as well as being usable with Fang with Chain on any Red-Eyes monster. Not to mention Archfiend Black Skull Dragon has just been released, making the line almost not need the above mentioned cards and you can still build a brand new evil deck using only 2 of your monsters to stand. top in tier already.
- The power of Red-Eyes is so great. And after all I said above, you can still build your own Red-Eyes deck just by purchasing Structure Deck Return of the Red-Eyes.
Superheavy Samurai

- Superheavy Samurai is simply a otk deck by summoning key Synchro monsters from the extra deck. The feature of the deck is that monsters can attack while in defense position.
- Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji has the effect of destroying all of the enemy's magic and traps, making it easier for you to attack. However, Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji and most Superheavy Samurai monsters require no magic or traps. under your grave to be able to use the effect.
- In addition, Superheavy Samurai also has great protection monsters like Superheavy Samurai Flutist or Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves and monsters equipped with Superheavy Samurai Soul to help make the deck more cohesive.

Blue-Eyes decks revolve around bringing out high-attack monsters like Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dragon Spirit of White to put constant offensive pressure on your opponents.
- Blue-Eyes's fighting style mostly focuses on bombarding the opponent's field before attacking on his turn and using popular Trap cards to stay on the field like Karma Cut or Ultimate Providence . With the introduction of Rank 8 Xyz monsters, the Blue-Eyes deck becomes more diverse and suitable when facing many other decks.
- In addition, with the launch of the new Structure Deck Blue-Eyes, in my opinion, this is a Structure Deck that is worth a long-term investment. This is one of the very valuable Structure Decks in Duel Links because it provides the core cards for the Blue-Eyes deck, you no longer need to hunt for these cards from all the Main Boxes in Duel Links. Even though when you buy this Structure Deck, the deck is no longer considered F2P, however, the price you spend to buy this Structure Deck is compared to the amount of Gems you have to spend to open the pack to get the necessary cards for the deck. Blue-Eyes cards are few.
- This is also Konami's favorite Archetype, so its long-term investment value is huge and can be used in almost all current metas while still maintaining high efficiency. Blue-Eyes core cards are very rarely put on the Banlist by Konami.